The Great Migration is still the greatest

One of the wonderful things about planning a private mobile camping safari is that we get to position ourselves right amongst the action in the Mara. Whether our setting is amidst some particularly social lions, or adjacent to the best … more

Too many lions to count!

As the safari season kicked in this past month, I’ve had some of my best ever lion viewings. Always one the most charismatic characters of the African “big game”, lions offer everything you’d want to take away from time on … more

The Maasai Mara – still the ultimate

There is simply no place better than the Maasai Mara when it comes to wildlife observations and photography. After all of my years on safari across the African continent, nothing beats a sunrise game drive here. The thrill of lions … more

The inaugural UltraMARAthon – 50km through the Mara conservancies

Perhaps once in a lifetime – or possibly once a year – it feels right to push some boundaries. This can be at different levels, whether emotional, spiritual, or physical. For a year like 2020, I chose physical, and went … more

A trip to the southern edge of the Mara

We recently took a break from our northern Mara home and spent a little bit of time down in the Masai Mara National Reserve, right on the border with Tanzania. We were fortunate to take over the Ker & Downey … more

Zebras after dinner

Not every meal at our home in the Mara finishes with the sounds of lions and hyenas scrapping over a kill, but one recent night it certainly did! Just after 8pm, as we were about to do the dishes, the … more

On the great plains of Africa – recent safari video clips

Every time I explore the vast Mara-Serengeti ecosystem I’m reminded that it truly does hold the greatest wildlife viewings on Earth. We’ve preserved some really fun and memorable moments of this magical place during a recent safari. Depending on the … more

The Lion King – in Kenya and in New York City

It’s 2am and from my bedroom here in my Mara home I hear the lion roaring. There is no other sound that evokes such a primeval sense within us; a reminder that this is an animal for whom primates are on … more

July in the Masai Mara

My first safari in Kenya this month was rewarded with some truly impressive big cat sightings! Several of our resident Mara leopards were on good form, and the entire “camp” pride of lions settled down on our driveway during the … more

Leopards and lions in the long grass

The Mara continues to be one of the best places on the planet to observe large carnivores. On a wonderful safari in the Mara Triangle last month, we caught up with a lovely leopard and her two full-grown cubs as … more

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